JHSS UAV English Română

About us

     The Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies is a biannual publication established in 2010 with the purpose of providing a platform for the dissemination of scientific research results in the field of socio-humanities. Launched under the patronage of the “Intercultural and Interconfessional Studies” Research Centre -itself hosted by AVU`s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences-, the journal aims to stimulate interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research pertaining mainly to the field of philology, and secondarily to social sciences.

     Back in 2013 the Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies was a C – class publication (no.crt. 41):


     Subsequently, by indexing the publication in several international databases and due to the quality of the articles published, the journal has been promoted to B-class, in accord with the criteria imposed by CNATDCU`s minimal standards.

     The journal publishes scientific articles and reviews in English, French, Italian, Spanish, German and Romanian (in the case of applied linguistics studies dedicated to the Romanian language) that can be inscribed in the following thematic areas (which are also sections within the journal):

     Theory, History and Literary Criticism

     Linguistics, Stylistics and Translation Studies

     Social and Educational Studies

     Book reviews, interviews and authors’ presentations

     Philology (the journal’s main priority area) bridges researches related to theoretical and applied literary studies, branching out into cultural studies (mentalities, representations, imagology) and identity hermeneutics (feminism, postcolonialism, sexual minority discourses).

     The linguistics section is represented by studies focusing on traductology, history and contemporary grammar, pragmatics etc.

     The social sciences section collates studies related to didactics, communication sciences, theology, law etc.